Economics | Politics

When all you have is faux-pop sociology, everything starts to looks like a cheap cultural archetype

If you’ve discussed politics with me more than 10 times in person, you probably know how much I hate David Brooks. He’s an intellectual lightweight who has appropriated the trappings of intelligence just enough to fool the casual upper-middle-class liberal into pitying those poor misguided salt-of-the-earth white conservatives. His columns generally tolerate only one reading;…


Clearly the financial crisis was caused by poor people taking out loans they couldn’t afford

…rather than unbelievably horrendous business practices. This family refinanced their home to take advantage of lower interest rates. The mortgage servicer, however, never closed the old loan, and filed an “Erroneous Release of Mortgage” (signed by a $10-an-hour fake notary). The interest rate went back up, and they were hit with late fees for not…


Compensation, and Ron Paul’s Ahistorical History

Ta-Nehisi Coates is one of the few authors remaining at the Atlantic who lives up to its reputation. In response to Ron Paul’s repeated insistence that the Civil War “didn’t need to be fought,” and as an implied rejoinder to libertarian insistence that the unConstitutional Civil Rights Act was an unnecessary intrusion into private affairs, he…